Your first program

    1> cd examples
    1> dcc hello.c -o ram:hello
    1> ram:hello
    hello world

                Your first residentable program

    1> cd examples
    1> dcc hello.c -o ram:hello -r
    1> ram:hello
    hello world
    1> resident ram:hello
    1> hello        ; instantanious execution
    hello world

* NOTE, a common problem is that users have removed various floating
point libraries from LIBS: and this may prevent DC1 from running. Make
sure you have the full complement of floating point libraries in LIBS:

Another common problem is related to your PATH... if DCC is unable to
run one of the subprograms (DCPP, DC1, DAS, and DLINK) you may not have
DCC:BIN in your path.  ARP is known to screw things up in this regard
and if you are running ARP try de-installing it to see if that was the
problem.  You cannot use the ARP resident command (ARES) with DICE